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The best PRO teammates
Top 0.1% teammates with an average rating of 4.9 stars.
No wait, start now
No waiting, average wait time under 2 minutes to play.
100% safe and secure
Play with a teammate without any cheats, or hacks involved.
Money back guarantee
Risk-free satisfaction: Money-back guarantee assured.
Community first
Inclusive and supportive community of gamers.
24/7 support services
We are always ready to help.
Setup your account.
Login with Discord or email and add your in game name for the games you play.
Choose a game and game mode.
The game mode determines what type of teammate we match with you. Modes vary by price, depending on teammate availability and other factors.
After about 2 minutes* you will be matched and your new teammate will add you in-game (and optionally voice chat platform).