Ultimate Jax Build Guide - LoL Runes & Items
Playing Jax in League of Legends can be a thrilling experience, but it requires some preparation and strategy to achieve success. One of the most important things to keep in mind while playing Jax is to engage in fights only when you are well-prepared. Overextending and getting caught out of position can easily lead to your downfall.
To play Jax effectively, it is essential that you utilize his abilities to their full potential. His Counter Strike ability, for example, can be a game-changer if used correctly. Early game farming is also crucial for accumulating gold and gaining an advantage over the enemy team.
Another common mistake players make while playing Jax is underestimating the enemy team's crowd control abilities. Being aware of these abilities and knowing how to counter them can give you a significant advantage in battles.
As for Jax's lore, he hails from the region of Ionia and has a storied history as a powerful warrior. To truly master Jax in League of Legends, it may be worth taking some time to understand his backstory and personality.
In this guide, we will explore some key tips and strategies for playing Jax effectively in League of Legends. From early game farming to utilizing his abilities strategically, we will cover everything you need to know to become a formidable force on the battlefield.
So without further ado, let's dive into our comprehensive guide on how to play Jax in League of Legends!
Understanding Jax's strengths and weaknesses
Relentless Assault: Jax's Passive Ability
Jax's passive ability, Relentless Assault, is one of the reasons he is a formidable champion in League of Legends. With each consecutive basic attack on an enemy, Jax deals more damage. This passive ability allows him to deal significant damage to enemies in a short amount of time.
To maximize the effectiveness of Relentless Assault, Jax players should focus on building attack speed items that allow them to quickly land basic attacks. Items such as Trinity Force and Guinsoo's Rageblade can significantly increase Jax's damage output, making him a threat to any enemy champion.
Counter Strike: A Powerful Tool Against Basic Attackers
Another one of Jax's abilities that makes him a force to be reckoned with is Counter Strike. This ability allows Jax to dodge all incoming basic attacks for a short period while charging up his next attack. Once charged, Jax can stun all nearby enemies and deal additional damage based on how many basic attacks he dodged.
Counter Strike is especially effective against enemy champions who rely heavily on their basic attacks for damage output. Champions such as Master Yi or Tryndamere can be easily countered by using this ability at the right time.
Vulnerability To Crowd Control Effects
While Jax may have impressive offensive capabilities, he does have weaknesses that can be exploited by skilled opponents. One of these weaknesses is his vulnerability to crowd control effects such as stuns or knock-ups.
When facing an opponent with strong crowd control abilities, it is important for Jax players to stay aware of their surroundings and avoid getting caught out in the open. Building items such as Mercury Treads or Quicksilver Sash can also help reduce the impact of crowd control effects on Jax.
Grandmaster's Might: Increased Durability In Team Fights
In team fights, Jax players can rely on their ultimate ability, Grandmaster's Might, to help them survive longer and deal more damage. This ability grants Jax additional armor and magic resist, making him more durable against enemy attacks.
By building items such as Guardian Angel or Sterak's Gage, Jax players can further increase their durability in team fights. This allows them to stay in the fight longer and deal significant damage to enemy champions.
Top lane matchups and counters for Jax
Jax is a powerful champion in League of Legends who excels in the top lane. To succeed with Jax, players must have a good understanding of his abilities and playstyle, as well as knowledge about his matchups and counters.
Jax's Counter Strike ability allows him to dodge enemy attacks and stun them, making it a crucial tool for both offense and defense. However, some champions have abilities that can counter or mitigate this ability. For example:
- Fiora's Riposte can block Jax's Counter Strike and stun him instead.Pantheon's Aegis Assault can block Jax's Counter Strike and deal damage to him.Renekton's Ruthless Predator can stun Jax before he can activate Counter Strike.
Fiora's Riposte can block Jax's Counter Strike and stun him instead.
Pantheon's Aegis Assault can block Jax's Counter Strike and deal damage to him.
Renekton's Ruthless Predator can stun Jax before he can activate Counter Strike.
Knowing these matchups and how to play against them is key to succeeding with Jax in the top lane. It's important to keep an eye on your opponent's cooldowns and use your own abilities wisely.
Playing Jax requires a good understanding of the game's mechanics, as well as the ability to make quick decisions in high-pressure situations. In addition to knowing his matchups, it's important to understand when to engage and when to retreat. Overextending with Jax can be dangerous, especially if you're facing a champion who has strong crowd control or burst damage.
Despite these challenges, mastering Jax can be incredibly rewarding. He is a versatile champion who can excel in many different team compositions. With practice and experience, players can learn how to balance their aggression with caution and become dominant forces in the top lane.
Best rune choices for Jax
Jax is a formidable top laner, but he can struggle against certain champions that have abilities to poke him from a distance and deal significant damage. In this section, we will discuss the best rune choices for Jax to help him overcome some of his toughest matchups.
Against Kennen and Jayce
These two champions are notorious for their ability to poke from a distance, making it difficult for Jax to engage them in combat. To counteract this, we recommend using the Resolve tree with the Grasp of the Undying keystone. This keystone allows Jax to heal himself by attacking enemy champions, giving him more sustain during laning phase. Additionally, taking Second Wind and Bone Plating as secondary runes will further increase Jax's survivability.
Against Darius
Darius can be a tough matchup for Jax due to his high damage output and ability to pull Jax in with his E. To mitigate this threat, we suggest using the Precision tree with Conqueror as the keystone. This keystone allows Jax to stack up bonus adaptive force by dealing damage over time, which can then be converted into true damage on-hit once fully stacked. Taking Triumph and Legend: Alacrity as secondary runes will provide additional healing and attack speed.
Against Fiora
Fiora is another challenging opponent for Jax as she has the ability to parry his stun and deal significant damage with her true damage passive. To outplay Fiora in this matchup, we recommend using the Inspiration tree with Kleptomancy as the keystone. This keystone allows Jax to earn bonus gold by hitting enemy champions with basic attacks or abilities while also occasionally receiving consumables such as health potions or wards. Additionally, taking Magical Footwear and Biscuit Delivery as secondary runes will provide free boots at 10 minutes and additional sustain during laning phase.
Against Garen
Garen can be a difficult matchup for Jax as he has high sustain and can silence Jax, preventing him from using his abilities. To counteract this, we suggest using the Resolve tree with the Grasp of the Undying keystone. This keystone allows Jax to heal himself by attacking enemy champions, giving him more sustain during laning phase. Taking Second Wind and Overgrowth as secondary runes will further increase Jax's survivability.
Against Nasus
Nasus can be a tricky matchup for Jax as he scales well into the late game and can stack his Q on minions while Jax tries to engage him. To win this matchup in the early game, we recommend using the Precision tree with Conqueror as the keystone. This keystone allows Jax to stack up bonus adaptive force by dealing damage over time, which can then be converted into true damage on-hit once fully stacked. Taking Triumph and Legend: Alacrity as secondary runes will provide additional healing and attack speed.
Against Renekton
Renekton is a difficult matchup for Jax as he has strong early game damage and can easily slice and dice away from Jax's counterstrike. To survive Renekton's burst damage, we suggest using the Resolve tree with Aftershock as the keystone. This keystone grants bonus armor and magic resist after immobilizing an enemy champion, making it easier for Jax to survive Renekton's all-in attempts. Additionally, taking Second Wind and Bone Plating as secondary runes will further increase Jax's survivability during laning phase.
Optimal item builds for Jax in top lane
Conqueror: The Most Popular Rune Choice for Jax
Conqueror is the most popular rune choice for Jax, and it's not hard to see why. This rune provides Jax with increased damage output and sustain in extended fights, making him a formidable force to be reckoned with on the top lane.
With Conqueror, Jax can stack up his passive quickly and deal massive amounts of damage with his third hit. Additionally, the true damage conversion provided by this rune ensures that he can cut through even the tankiest of opponents.
If you're planning on playing a more aggressive playstyle with Jax and plan on taking extended trades in lane, then Conqueror is definitely the way to go. However, keep in mind that it takes some time to stack up this rune, so make sure you're not going all-in too early.
Press the Attack: A Viable Alternative
While Conqueror is undoubtedly the most popular choice for Jax players, Press the Attack can also be a viable alternative. This rune allows Jax to deal increased damage to an opponent after three consecutive hits and provides additional attack speed.
Press the Attack is particularly useful if you're planning on focusing on early game aggression and ganking. With this rune, you can quickly burst down an opponent in a short amount of time before they have a chance to react.
However, keep in mind that Press the Attack falls off in effectiveness as the game progresses into later stages. If you plan on playing a more scaling-oriented playstyle with Jax, then Conqueror is still your best bet.
Grasp of the Undying: For Defensive Playstyles
For players who prefer a more defensive playstyle or are facing tough matchups in lane, Grasp of the Undying can provide Jax with additional health and sustain. This rune allows Jax to heal himself by dealing damage to enemy champions while also providing additional health.
Grasp of the Undying is particularly useful against tanky opponents, as it allows Jax to sustain through their damage and chip away at their health over time. Additionally, the extra health provided by this rune can make Jax even more difficult to take down in team fights.
Other Potential Rune Choices
While Conqueror, Press the Attack, and Grasp of the Undying are the most popular choices for Jax players, there are other potential rune choices that you can experiment with.
Hail of Blades can be useful for burst damage and quickly taking down an opponent in a short amount of time. Electrocute provides added burst and mobility, allowing you to quickly jump onto an opponent and deal massive amounts of damage before they have a chance to react. Finally, Phase Rush provides increased mobility and kiting potential, allowing you to chase down or escape from opponents with ease.
When choosing your runes for Jax in top lane, it's important to consider your playstyle as well as your opponent's. Experiment with different runes until you find what works best for you, but keep in mind that Conqueror is still the most popular choice for a reason - it simply works.
Tips for laning phase as Jax
Top Jax is a champion that excels in dueling and split pushing.
Jax's kit provides him with the tools to take down his opponents with ease. His passive, Relentless Assault, grants him increased attack speed for every basic attack he lands. This allows him to quickly stack up his passive and deal massive amounts of damage. Additionally, Jax's Q ability, Leap Strike, allows him to close the gap between himself and his opponent while dealing damage in the process.
To master Jax, players need to understand his kit and how to use it effectively against different champions.
One of Jax's most powerful abilities is his E ability, Counter Strike. When activated, Jax will dodge all incoming basic attacks for a short period of time before stunning all nearby enemies. This makes him a strong counter to champions that rely on auto attacks such as Tryndamere or Fiora. Players should use this ability wisely as its long cooldown can leave them vulnerable if they mistime it.
In lane, Jax players should focus on farming minions and trading with their opponent when they have an advantage.
Jax's early game can be weak compared to other champions so players should focus on farming minions early on. Once they have enough gold for their first item power spike (usually Trinity Force), they can start trading more aggressively with their opponent. Players should look for opportunities where their opponent has used an important ability or is out of position before engaging in a trade.
Late game, Jax can become a monster if he has enough gold and items.
With enough gold and items under his belt, Jax becomes nearly unstoppable in team fights. Players should prioritize taking down enemy carries first as they are usually the biggest threat to their team. If possible, players should also look for opportunities to split push as Jax excels at taking down towers quickly thanks to his high attack speed and Sheen procs from Trinity Force.
Strategies for team fights with Jax
Use Leap Strike to Quickly Close the Gap and Engage Enemies
One of Jax's greatest strengths is his ability to quickly close the gap between himself and enemies. This is where Leap Strike comes in handy. With this ability, Jax can leap towards an enemy champion or minion, dealing damage upon impact. Not only does it deal damage, but it also puts Jax in a prime position to engage in combat with the enemy team.
When using Leap Strike, it's important to consider your target. Try to aim for squishy targets such as enemy carries or mages who are more vulnerable to your attacks. If you're confident in your abilities, you can even use Leap Strike as an escape mechanism by leaping over walls or out of danger.
Attack the Enemy Carry to Disrupt Their Damage Output
In team fights, enemy carries are often the biggest threat due to their high damage output. As Jax, one of your main objectives should be to disrupt their damage output by attacking them directly. By doing so, you force them to focus on defending themselves rather than attacking your team.
Keep in mind that while attacking the enemy carry is important, it's not always easy. They will likely have other members of their team protecting them and trying to peel you off. This is where teamwork comes into play; coordinate with your team and try to create opportunities for yourself to attack the carry.
Strike Multiple Enemies with Empower to Maximize Damage
Empower is another ability that can be incredibly useful during team fights. With this ability, Jax empowers his next basic attack with additional damage based on his own Attack Damage (AD) and Ability Power (AP). The key here is that Empower deals area-of-effect (AoE) damage when used on a champion.
By striking multiple enemies at once with Empower during a team fight, you maximize your overall damage output while also potentially reducing multiple enemies' health bars. This can be especially useful when enemies are grouped together or when they're trying to retreat.
Leap Strike onto Low Health Enemies to Secure Kills
Finally, one of Jax's greatest strengths is his ability to quickly secure kills on low health enemies. With Leap Strike, you can quickly close the gap between yourself and a fleeing enemy champion, dealing damage upon impact. If the enemy champion is low enough on health, this may be enough to secure the kill.
Keep in mind that while it's tempting to always go for the kill, it's important to weigh the risks and rewards of doing so. If you're too aggressive and end up dying in the process, you may end up putting your team at a disadvantage. Always consider your surroundings and try to make informed decisions based on what you see happening around you.
How to split push effectively with Jax
Trinity Force: The Core Item for Jax in Top Lane
Trinity Force is a must-have item for Jax in top lane due to its perfect synergy with his kit. It offers a great combination of attack speed, damage, and mobility, which are all essential for Jax's playstyle. The Sheen proc on Trinity Force also enhances Jax's burst damage potential since it scales with his passive ultimate.
Moreover, Trinity Force provides health and mana that can sustain Jax in the laning phase. This means he can stay longer in lane without having to recall frequently. The Phage passive on Trinity Force also allows Jax to stick to his targets better, making it easier for him to chase down enemies or escape from danger.
Blade of the Ruined King: A Strong Option Against Tanky Opponents
Blade of the Ruined King (BotRK) is an excellent option for Jax against tanky opponents. It provides attack speed and life steal that helps him deal with tanky champions who have high health pools. The active on BotRK also slows down enemies' movement speed, allowing Jax to catch up or kite them effectively.
In addition, BotRK has an on-hit effect that deals bonus physical damage based on the target's maximum health. This makes it an effective item against tanks who usually build lots of armor and magic resistance but have little health scaling.
Hextech Gunblade: Sustain and Burst Damage for Extended Fights
Hextech Gunblade is another viable item choice for Jax due to its sustain and burst damage potential. It provides both spell vamp and life steal that can keep him healthy during extended fights or skirmishes. The active on Hextech Gunblade also deals magic damage and slows down enemy champions, making it easier for Jax to land his stun or secure kills.
The AP scaling on Hextech Gunblade also increases the damage of Jax's abilities, especially his W (Empower) and R (Grandmaster's Might). This means he can deal more burst damage with his abilities while also healing himself in the process.
Guardian Angel: A Good Defensive Item for Surviving Teamfights
Guardian Angel (GA) is a defensive item that can be useful for Jax to survive teamfights. It provides armor and magic resistance that makes him tankier against physical and magical damage. The passive on GA also revives Jax upon death, giving him a second chance to turn the tide of the fight.
Sterak's Gage: Situational Item for Increased Survivability and Damage Output
Sterak's Gage is a situational item that can increase Jax's survivability and damage output. It provides health, base attack damage, and a unique passive that grants Jax a shield when he takes a certain amount of damage within a short period. The shield scales with his bonus health, making it an effective item against burst champions who deal lots of damage quickly.
Moreover, Sterak's Gage synergizes well with Trinity Force since it increases Jax's base attack damage. This means he can deal more damage with his auto-attacks while also being tankier due to the extra health from Sterak's Gage.
Common mistakes to avoid when playing Jax
Split Pushing: A Strategy for Jax Players
As a Jax player, one of the most effective strategies you can use is split pushing. This involves pushing a lane while your team distracts the enemy team in another lane. Jax is an excellent split pusher due to his ability to take down towers quickly and duel most champions in a 1v1 scenario.
To split push effectively with Jax, you should have good map awareness and know when to push and when to retreat. Keep an eye on the minimap and make sure you have vision of the surrounding area so you can see incoming enemies. If you see multiple enemies heading towards your lane, it's probably best to retreat until your team can provide backup.
Communication is also key if you plan on pushing top lane while your team pressures mid, make sure they know not to engage in a full-on fight without you.
Timing is everything when it comes to split pushing with Jax. It only takes a few seconds for the enemy team to collapse on you if they catch wind of what you're doing. Make sure you keep tabs on where the enemy team is at all times and be ready to retreat at a moment's notice.
Mastering Jax in League of Legends
To succeed with Jax, it's important to choose the right runes and items for each game. Conqueror is a popular choice for its damage output and sustain, but other options like Press the Attack or Grasp of the Undying can work well too. Trinity Force is a core item that provides Jax with increased damage, attack speed, and mobility. Other strong choices include Blade of the Ruined King for dueling power or Sterak's Gage for survivability.
In lane, Jax should focus on farming safely until he hits level 6 and gains access to his ultimate ability. From there, he can look for opportunities to engage on his opponent or roam to help his team secure objectives. In team fights, Jax should try to dive onto enemy carries while using his Counter Strike ability to dodge incoming attacks.
When split pushing, Jax can use his mobility and dueling power to pressure multiple lanes at once. However, it's important not to overextend without vision or backup from teammates.
To truly master Jax in League of Legends takes practice and experience. Learning how to play around his strengths while minimizing his weaknesses will give you an edge in any game. So keep playing, keep learning, and keep climbing up the ranks!